
Established Agencies

Freemium and Premium Memberships

Our goal is to help your recruitment agency achieve greater profit, improved business resilience and financial sustainability. As a collective we secure discounts, rebates, and improved terms of trade with suppliers to our industry. Join RecAlliance and...

  • Reduce your expenses and improve profit
  • Reward your employees
  • Support social impact initiatives
  • Add a new revenue channel

Start-up Agencies

Select our Partnerships to suit your needs

Starting an agency can be daunting, where do you start? RecAlliance was founded by experienced recruitment agency owners, and we can guide you through the establishment of your very own recruitment agency. You can pick and choose which of our Partnerships suit the needs of your start-up recruitment agency. Engage our Partners and benefit from our buying power.

  • Accounting
  • Branding and advertising
  • Legal advice and documents
  • Insurance
  • And much more

Partnership coverage includes:


Accounting services for financial and tax management


Brand services such as development and refinement


Customer relationship management and applicant tracking software


Productivity systems to drive communication and efficiency


Market Presence including job advertising, web and social media marketing


Insurance and risk management advice via qualified partners


Compliance practices to protect candidates, clients, and your agency


Reporting to understand the effectiveness of your marketing and recruitment activities

RecAlliance is a buying group for recruitment agencies.

Our goal is to unite small and medium sized recruitment agencies as a group, to improve profit, business resilience and financial sustainability. 

This will be achieved through group buying, partnerships and collaboration. Currently, our industry operates in a highly fragmented fashion, with hundreds of small and medium sized agencies focused on revenue generation, independently vying for a share of the $5 billion dollars of placement fees generated in Australia each year

Revenue generation is essential to the success of our agencies, and independence is what makes us entrepreneurs. RecAlliance is not trying to change this, however collectively, we should be paying more attention to expense reduction and trading terms; to create greater profit margins, improved business resilience and financial sustainability. This is what RecAlliance is all about.

As independently owned agencies we need to recognise how powerful we can be as a collective.

RecAlliance has established partners in expense categories including Accounting, Marketing, Advertising, Legal, Insurance and Software as examples and we are continually evaluating opportunities to add more partnerships

Partner Logos (1)

What is a buying group?

Small and Medium sized businesses come together to create buying power. Member benefits include:

Discounted pricing


Buying incentives

Improved trading terms

A buying group is typically made up of small and medium-sized businesses that use similar products and services. By coming together, we create a larger organisation, and can save money with bulk pricing, volume rebates, and similar incentives.

As a buying group, RecAlliance has more negotiating power than an individual agency has alone, so you as a member of RecAlliance can potentially access better payment terms and lower costs for your necessary services.

RecAlliance has established partners in expense categories including Accounting, Marketing, Advertising, Legal, Insurance and Software as examples and we are continually evaluating opportunities to add more partnerships.

Become a member today!